Hand sanitizer advertising is in full swing as we speak. Everywhere you turn, there’s a new ad campaign promoting this product. This product is a multi-billion dollar industry and that means it has plenty of competition out there. However, it’s also the product of convenience for the common person and that means it has a massive base of consumers.

What type of advertising is available to a company that wants to run exclusive hand sanitizer advertising kiosks? Well, there are a variety of options available. You could choose to buy ad space on popular television stations or you could choose to buy space on billboards. There are even companies that offer ad space on radio stations if you can cover the right criteria.
One of the most popular forms of advertising is using a face recognition kiosk. Using a face recognition software program, a vendor will place an advertisement on your vending machine and it will only take a few seconds for the machine to read what is inside. This type of equipment works by using a computer vision system that is able to determine which area of your vending machine is clean.
So, what makes a great location for a hand sanitizer advertisement? Well, many locations are perfect for this particular product. The ideal location would be somewhere that has a large amount of people that go there on a regular basis. Many people don’t realize it but there are hundreds of millions of people who go into businesses every day and these are essentially the same types of establishments that offer sanitizing products such as hand sanitizer. It would be ideal to place your advertisement in a location where you know there will be a constant flow of customers that are in need of these products.
The next thing to consider is the type of device that you would like to purchase. There are several different types of vending equipment including the front panel coin slot, a coin purse and also a cold drink dispenser. A popular option is a cold drink dispenser because it allows you to sell either a soda or juice drink. If you choose to buy a front panel coin slot, then it would be necessary to place an advertising unit that displays a logo in order to attract business.
A cold drink dispenser is a good choice because it means that you will have the ability to display your logo on any number of products including sodas and juices. A good example of a novisign model 2 hand sanitizer machine is the kiosk that will be featured in this article. This particular vending device will allow customers to use a hand sanitizer dispenser without having to touch the bottle.
In order to place an advertisement for hand sanitizing solutions in a high traffic environment, a novisign model 2 machine would be an excellent choice. One such kiosk model is a cold drink dispenser that has an inch body temperature measurement capability. This allows you to place the machine near a busy area where customers will likely walk to get a drink without having to touch the bottle. In order to ensure that the machine receives a steady stream of foot traffic, it is advisable to place the unit in an area that receives heavy foot traffic such as an office or mall. The unit will also need to be near an exit for customers in order to maximize its effectiveness.
In the final analysis, whether or not your business should invest in a China sanitizer automatic dispenser machine depends on two factors: first, the amount of foot traffic that the dispenser will receive, and second, the cost of installing the system. If the amount of foot traffic is minimal and the amount of installation costs is low, then the kiosk is a viable investment. However, if your goal is to create brand awareness as well as increase sales, then you will want to consider investing in a digital signage display advertising player. Such a unit will allow you to place a China sanitizing dispenser at strategic locations throughout your business.